Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Reason For This Blog

The Fat Man and I have been married for 6 years. We were both very thin when we met, but having finally found someone who accepted and loved me for who I was, I got very comfortable. Too comfortable! The weight started coming on quick. We both had gained about 30lbs when we got married a year and a half after we met. I then got pregnant with our first child and gained a whopping 70lbs during that pregnancy. I only lost 40lbs before I got pregnant again with our second child. That pregnancy I gained 50lbs.
We decided to start eating right and started the Dr Phil weight loss plan and lost about 20lbs. We then went to Las Vegas and completely fell off the wagon. My stepmom asked if I wanted to join weight watchers with her and so I started on that program. It was going great and I was down below 200lbs for the first time in a couple years. I was so excited. I then got pregnant again with our third child and lost control. I ate whatever I wanted to during that pregnancy and gained around 60lbs.
So here I sit, 40lbs heavier than where I was when I was below 200. The Fat Man and I decided to start our weight loss journey again. This blog is here to help us stay on track and document our journey.

And before you think I'm a horribly mean woman, my husband suggested the name for this blog and will be referring to himself as "The Fat Man." It was not my idea! ;)

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